I have spent the last 2 days checking out the river for signs of returning life. So far the only birds that are arriving are the Black-fronted Terns who are flying around the Mason and the Waiau in small numbers. At least we now have a starting point of reference for next year.
It was a beautiful sunny day and I spent 2 hours on the Mason this morning. No one else in sight but kept company by 2 noisy Paradise Ducks. I wore my new waders but the river was still too deep with my camera equipment to cross to the main island.
Yesterday I went up to the angler access point on the road to Rotherham. The farmer that owns the land has fenced all along the river bank and I crawled under to try and access the water but it was too deep still. We walked along the fence line but could not find anywhere that looked more accessible. I will try again next month and take my waders and not so much camera stuff as a lot of crawling was needed.